Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Hello there, and welcome to the Book Birdie! I would be the Birdie in question, and I'm here to be your guide in the book world. Every week, I'll review at least one book for your enjoyment, possibly--hopefully--more. 

I suppose you probably want to know a bit more about myself. 

Let's see: I'm a secret agent working for a top secret government agency that no one knows about and I'm at the top of the class. 

What? You think I'm lying? That I wouldn't put information up like that on the internet if it was true?
Yeah, you're right. 
But isn't it a funny thing, how we will put anything on the internet, able to claim it's false at a moment's notice with our words. But what if it was true? What if I was actually a detective for a branch of government disguised as a chain of delis? I mean, I'm not--let's face it, that's impossible--but wouldn't it be so cool?

This is what the slogan for the Book Birdie was going to be:
Books for teens reviewed by teens!

But that is utterly cheesy. And I'm not a fan of cheese. So here's what the slogan actually is:

Great, right?

In the event you were wondering what sort of book and movie genres--have I mentioned that I will be covering movies and such, as well, too?--will be covered, never fear, dozens of mystery, crime, romance, adventure, fantasy, sci-fi, and so much more. Of course, the majority of this will be the sub-genres of the major heading 'young adult.'
Though, we all know that there is so much better writing when all the world's books are opened up to you. 

Anyways, sit back, relax, and take a spin around this blog; get inspired by the reviews, feel that longing build up inside you until you have to jump up and go and read the actual book. Enjoy, and don't forget to live, to smell the roses and drink the hot chocolate. 

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